
Håle' Para Agupa' Praktika yan Set-up for Chamorro Night

Sat, 7 Oct 2017
from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

by Teresita Guevara Daniel
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 7 years ago by Teresita Guevara Smith
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

Hafa Adai! I hope everyone is excited and has been practicing for our very first public presentation. We will be singing Kåten Kulo’ and Hinatsen, and introducing ourselves gi fino Chamorro.

We also will have our own table where we will be doing our t-shirt fundraiser (pick-ups and sales). In addition to teaching others their introduction through their name badges, teaching how to count in Chamorro, leading a ice breaker quiz challenge, and distributing surveys. This being said we need help from all our members!

For those who can arrive early to help set-up, practice, and support activities we ask that you arrive at 5 p.m., if possible. Otherwise, please arrive by 6 p.m. as our presentation will be in the first half of the program.

Si Yu’os Ma’ase! Asta I Såbalu!!


GSA Chamorro Night


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