
by Teresita Guevara Daniel
Posted: about 7 years ago
Updated: over 6 years ago by Teresita Guevara Smith
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: 3 days before
Ends: 03:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Our class this month has been rescheduled to a online class that will be hosted on June 10.

Damenggo, June 10 @ 2PM

Details: July for Chamorros is best known as Liberation month, join us as we learn more about World War II and Liberation.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/411264331

Or iPhone one-tap US: +16699006833,,411264331# or +16465588656,,411264331#

Telephone US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 411 264 331

This will be our last Chamorro education class before our summer break. The months of July and August will focus on HPA launch of our Chamorro Dance program. We will have a HPA meeting/dance prep in July to discuss final details for August 17-19 trip to North Carolina. This is open invitation to anyone who is interested in dancing or supporting HPA in NC. Each participant is required to purchase a t-shirt ($20) and tapis ($25) official attire, remaining travel expenses will be provided by HPA.

Want to join the movement and join Håle’ Para Agupa’ email us at HaleParaAgupa@gmail.com and download our app at https://haleparaagupa.teamapp.com/!

Si Yu’os Ma’ase,




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