
5th Annual Ta Fan Apatte Chamoru Immersion Camp hosted by KCF

from 1:00pm Fri, 2 Aug 2019
to 12:00pm Sun, 4 Aug 2019

by Teresita Guevara Daniel
Posted: over 5 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm Sunday 04 August 2019 (duration is 2 days)

5th Annual Ta Fan Apåtte – “To Share” – Chamoru Immersion Camp 8/2-4, UCLA (Check-In 1pm)

Kutturan Chamoru Foundation’s MO’NA program (Mentoring Our Next Achievers – “To be first”) would like to invite you to be a participant in the 5th Annual Ta Fan Apåtte Chamoru Immersion Camp on August 2-4, 2019 at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)! Hunggan…..UCLA!! Si Yu’os ma’ase to KCF’s Board Member, Dr. Keith Camacho for assisting KCF in returning to this location in celebration of our 26th Anniversary!

Ta Fan Apåtte Camp is FREE for a limited # of participants who apply no later than Friday, July 5. This Chamoru Immersion Camp will include accommodations and meals for 3 days and 2 nights at UCLA’s dorm and dining facilities. Transportation to and from the camp will not be provided.

The goals of this 3-day/2-night Chamoru Immersion Camp is for participants to gain insight on the Chamoru culture, while developing an appreciation for the traditions, language and preservation of their native heritage. Participants will gain self-identity and leadership skills to better prepare them for high school, college, career and community service while linking Chamoru cultural values and language. This event will end with a final public showing at the Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum, Long Beach CA. This is when TFA participants will showcase what they learned and gained from the Ta Fan Apåtte Chamoru Immersion Camp at KCF’s 26th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, August 2, from 3-5pm. Tickets are available to attend this event for a minimal donation of $20. (Includes entrance into the museum and light refreshments.) Please park at MoLAA across the street for this event.

See attached flyer and application for those who want to participate……..Due to UCLA’s requirements, the minimum age to stay in the dorms is 12 years. However, participants who are 10 and older can apply, but are not able to stay overnight. We encourage participants 12+ and older to apply as space is limited and 1st come/1st served. Participants and Mentors 21+ are encouraged to participate. Be sure to apply at your earliest convenience. This year Film Director, Aleks Munoz will be putting together a mini film created by TFA participants!!!


350 De Neve Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90024

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